Sunday, January 24, 2016

Buriram United president praised the performances, especially fans

Mr Newin Chidchob Buriram United president, said after the game that Cambodia All Stars team has a very good performance and also commend to yousupport that is present in the stadium to shout support.

At the National Stadium last night was filled with the sound of shouting voices from supporting the warriors Angkor, Cambodia All Stars reception Thai giants from Buriram United. As a result, both teams ended with 2-2 in the game lasted 90 minutes. Scored penalty Cambodia Cambodia All Stars team won by a score 4-3. Total score Cambodia Cambodia All Stars win over Buriram United 6-5.

After the defeat last night Buriram United president confirmed on its official Facebook Page that this is a good game teamaccept the results. But failure is not hopeless to try to further training. Plus with tens of thousands of fans, too 
