Friday, January 22, 2016

Provincial officials denied Vietnamese troops occupied concessions


Authorities and provincial officials denied the Vietnamese army, occupied land concessions in the province as information dissemination, but recognize that some concessions have been granted to Vietnamese companies or concessions concessionaire Khmer sometimes shares with owner Vietnamese military stocks.

School spokesman province Nhem Sam Oeun said on January 9 that the relevant ministries reviewed the company's concession contract investment 4 found that there was no relevant occupied by Vietnamese forces. The company's concessions and 4 are reduced investment from 4 thousand hectares of land to $ 4 billion hectares by planting That's obvious: all companies that they think Vietnam is not relevant. In legal Khmer us all occupied.

4 concessions that involved the Vietnamese army, including the fate of Investment (Veasna Investment) obtain concessions current 5,080 hectares to reduce only 1,541 hectares. Monday bronze (Chea Chanrith Aphivath) get some concessions reduced current 5,124 hectares to 787 hectares. Ramah International Khmer or Men Sarun (Rama Khmer International) acquire 61,324 hectares of land but currently only 900 hectares and Dai Dong Duong (Dai Dong Duoung) acquire 4,889 hectares of land concessions, but is currently reduced to 800 hectares. These concessions are located in the district and the district.

Similarly, the head of the provincial Department of Agriculture confirmed the company said 4 3 Khmer license Except Dai Dong Duong Vietnamese license. He said that the Ministry of Agriculture has issued a license to the 4 concessions in accordance with the policy of economic land concessions, but by the company's concession to the 4 Some of the relevant land or forest land is affected residents. Hence the inter-ministerial review ground out the remaining effects of land planted obvious . He acknowledged the stock 4 with the Vietnamese army, but there is no official recognition from the government and relevant ministries Entering stake: our investment allegations that China, Vietnam, what correct on investment contracts. It has no official name, 72 or 75, he said.

Watch survey of forest land issues of Adhoc Association (ADHOC) province, said that the four companies with shares Division 15 of Vietnam. So Rama International Khmer or Men Sarun and bronze Monday renamed the two companies 72. Dai Dong Duong switch 74. The fate Investment switch 75.

Coordinator of the Association Adhoc Chhay Thy, noting that after the stock with Division 15 of Vietnam's concession to the company's business operations 4 is led by a group of Vietnamese technical workers is a Khmer citizen. He claimed not to see the Vietnamese army troops or bases to operate in those companies: we surveyed did not see Vietnamese troops formats. See generally governed by technical representatives and planting Vietnamese workers Khmer contractor.

Nevertheless, as a deputy governor Nhem Sam Oeun said that if any practice contrary to the concession contract offer concessions Reach The government will review the decision to cancel or revoke the concession.
